Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Live Blogging the Mile High Music Festival

Sorry for the delay, but my LifeCast software kicked out on me during the Festival. So instead of getting the full coverage, here's what you get.

Tom Petty was good as always, but almost impossible to get close to. Spoon rocked my world. Moe was pretty good.

All in all the festival was run pretty well. A few niggles though. The premium beer stand was located a good 10 minute walk from any stage, meaning you'd miss 30-minutes of show for each beer. Bud and Bud Light was all that was available. Food lines topped 90 minutes in most cases for food, which wasn't cool either. And bathrooms could be another 10-20 minute walk from most stages, which is too long. Another 30 minutes of music lost. Good think I didn't have to use them too often though, but that was the beer stand location's fault!

All and all, I think I'll be going again next year, for both days this time!