Saturday, September 27, 2008

What is the best linux distribution

Lifehacker has a great Faceoff Battle posted regarding the best distribution of Linux.

Their conclusions?

Fedora is for "Anyone who likes their Linux on a USB stick (with persistent data and setup), and anyone looking to try out a general purpose Linux distribution without having to monkey around with too many settings."

OpenSUSE is for "Anyone keen on trying out virtualization tools—OpenSUSE has got a serious jones for VMware and similar tools—or any PowerPC users who don't really dig Fedora. Also, given the roughly 22,000 packages in OpenSUSE, anyone missing a key piece of connectivity or functionality that just can't be found elsewhere."

Ubuntu is for "Newcomers to the Linux game, especially those looking to dual boot or replicate as many Windows apps in Linux as possible."

Read the whole article here. It's really a great article that weighs all of the pros and cons.

I prefer Ubuntu, but I guess that makes me a n00b?